

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

It's official: Online spying is on its way

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From: "Josh at OpenMedia" <contact@openmedianow.net>
Date: Feb 27, 2013 7:31 AM
Subject: It's official: Online spying is on its way
To: <aquarianm@gmail.com>


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CISPA would undermine our basic rights and jeopardize our privacy online. Click here to use this Demand Progress tool tell your lawmakers to oppose to it.

Take action!

Our job at OpenMedia is to alert you about threats to your Internet freedom and provide you with tools to amplify your voice to meet those threats. Right now the US government is about push through a frightening warrantless online spying bill and we're teaming up with our friends at Demand Progress to help you speak out. Please take a second to stand up for your personal privacy and Internet freedom by clicking here now.

Last year people like you stopped legislation that would have enabled Big Telecom providers to access to your online information. The bill was called Cyber Intelligence Sharing and Protection Act (CISPA). If it had originally passed, CISPA would have allowed the U.S. government to access your personal Internet data with almost no restrictions, as well as given Big Telecom companies the right to share user data with the government without a court order.

This bill is back before congress and moving fast. Our friends at pro-Internet group Demand Progress have developed a petition to help stop this invasive online spying bill. Click here to oppose online spying bill CISPA before it's too late.

Rolling Stone says that with CISPA 2.0, "Congress is trying to kill Internet privacy again."

CISPA sponsor Rep. Dutch Ruppersberger even said at a hearing this week that he didn't see any reason why businesses needed to hide your personal data from the government.

CISPA would undermine our basic rights and jeopardize our privacy online. Click here to tell your lawmakers to oppose to it.

For an open and connected future,

Steve and Josh on behalf of your OpenMedia team

P.S. OpenMedia is a small non-profit organization working overtime to safeguard your access to the open Internet. We rely on donations from people like you to maintain our efforts. If you can, please join us by chipping in whatever you can afford to sustain us today.

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Monday, February 25, 2013

Google Glass: A lot of hype, but little information


Six Strikes And You're Offline, $35 Fee To Appeal Starting Tomorrow?


Here it comes: After months of secret negotiations with the players who pushed SOPA, the major Internet Service Providers on the verge of implementing their "Six Strikes" plan to fight "online infringement". With essentially no due process, AT&T, Cablevision Systems, Comcast, Time Warner Cable and Verizon will get on your case if you're accused of violating intellectual property rights --and eventually even interfere with your ability to access the Internet. (You can contest accusations -- if you fork over $35.)

Click here to tell the ISPs to back down -- or that you'll look to take your business elsewhere:

http://act.demandprogress.org/letter/six_strikes/#1?referring_akid=a8108025. 2058961.JjBXPP&source=auto-taf

After the first few supposed violations, they'll alert you that your connection was engaging in behavior that they -- the giant corporations that provide your Internet service -- deem inappropriate.

And then it gets really dicey: They can make it difficult for you to access the web, or start throttling down your connection.

Click here to tell the ISPs to back down -- and put them on notice:

http://act.demandprogress.org/letter/six_strikes/#1?referring_akid=a8108025. 2058961.JjBXPP&source=auto-taf

From Wired:

After four alerts, according to the program, "mitigation measures" may commence. They include "temporary reductions of Internet speeds, redirection to a landing page until the subscriber contacts the ISP to discuss the matter or reviews and responds to some educational information about copyright, or other measures (as specified in published policies) that the ISP may deem necessary to help resolve the matter."

That's right: These mega-corporations now claim the authority to undermine your Internet access --and want to serve as judge, jury, and executioner. Tell them to back off -- or that you'll start looking for other places to bring your business.

Just click here to tell the ISPs to back down:

http://act.demandprogress.org/letter/six_strikes/#1?referring_akid=a8108025. 2058961.JjBXPP&source=auto-taf