

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Just a brief post to get things rolling...

This blog is intended to be a focused discussion of a new vision for societal organization that bypasses all the old "isms" - capitalism, communism, socialism, plutarchism, oligarchism, egalitarianism - with the founding principles of a technologically-oriented society that does efficiency without heartlessness. All other forms of social organization were based on methods of organization and resource allocation that were designed when paper was the highest technology going.

In the modern era of information technology, automation, and the budding access to the raw material resources of the entire solar system, it is time to design a new and constantly-evolving system for society, one that leaves no one behind and puts only those who perform at the forefront.

There is far, far more to this vision than these simple words, and this is only the barest start on creating a formulated structure for this vision for humanity, but it will come.

The Universe is waiting...


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