

Sunday, May 5, 2013

My Question On The Story Below...

...about veteran U.S. tech workers being displaced by cheap foreign H1B visa foreign workers on the sly. Is this:

How the %&%$ does that match up with this BS era of "homeland security?"

Answer: It effin' DOESN'T. These companies are allowing thousands of DIRT-LOW-PAID foreign nationals to access and even WRITE THE SOFTWARE FOR some of the most  sensitive technology in the country.

Who knows if or how many of these people are moles? It's not like it would be hard for a foreign government to pay them more than a $50-70k/year technician, even, let alone the MAYBE $20k/year they're getting from these companies.

Can you imagine a foreign government offering an H1B engineer $150 k to engineer a weak spot in a bridge, skyscraper, or dam? How about $75k to an H1B programmer to put a back door in the code running on millions if U.S. computers - including ones at banks, water treatment plants, electric utilities, chemical factories, airlines, railways, telecommunications gear, and maybe your house or the store down the street, or even the White House?

This practice is risky to the point of treason, AND does a grave injustice to the men and women, loyal American citizens, who BUILT the technical infrastructure that made modern life possible around the globe.

These bean counters are risking and ruining the entire country in the name of cheap labor.


Regard THAT.


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