

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

US tax incentives supporting fuel cell vehicles will expire at the end of this month

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Date: Dec 9, 2014 7:14 AM
Subject: US tax incentives supporting fuel cell vehicles will expire at the end of this month
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US tax incentives supporting fuel cell vehicles will expire at the end of this month US tax incentives supporting fuel cell vehicles will expire at the end of this month
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This week in the green..

December 9, 2014 -


US tax incentives supporting fuel cell vehicles will expire at the end of this month

Tax incentives that aid in the adoption of clean vehicles may be expiring at the end of December Automakers developing fuel cell vehicles may soon find the United States to be a turbulent market. Numerous financial incentives that had helped support the adoption of clean vehicles, including those equipped with hydrogen fuel cells, will expire […]READ MORE

Japan introduces new standards to help fuel cell vehicles gain traction

Japanese government works to help overcome challenges that face clean transportation Japan is quickly becoming a leading market for fuel cell vehicles, despite the fact that these vehicles have not yet been commercially released. The government has been working to help the auto industry overcome the three main challenges that face fuel cell vehicles. The […]Read the full story

Research team looks to improve hydrogen fuel cell technology

Team of researchers from University of Wyoming are looking to replace platinum catalysts with those comprised of common materials Researchers at the University of Wyoming are working to make fuel cell technology more efficient and less expensive in order to make these energy systems a viable alternative to conventional power sources. The research team is […]Read the full story

Clean transportation continues to have a positive impact on California's economy

Energy organization finds that collaboration in California has helped clean vehicles thrive California is becoming a very promising locale for clean transportation. Next 10, an organization focused on renewable energy, has found that various collaborations among Californian companies, government agencies, and universities have created several new companies and initiatives that are helping launch electric vehicles. […]Read the full story

Nissan set to focus on battery electric vehicles

Auto industry is divided on the fuel cell versus battery debate The auto industry is growing more competitive on clean transportation. Several automakers have plans to release fuel cell vehicles in the near future, with some opting to commercialize these vehicles as early as next year. Focus on fuel cell vehicles has caused some disagreement […]Read the full story



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I'd put my money on the sun and solar energy. What a source of power! I hope we don't have to wait 'til oil and coal run out before we tackle that. - Thomas Edison

Life is really simple, but we insist on making it complicated. - Confucius

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